9-Year-Old With Cerebral Palsy Completes Marathon With Walker

What a kid.

Tobias Weller is a 9-year-old with cerebral palsy who has shown us the power of persistence. Over the course of 70 days, Weller completed his own marathon by walking up to a half a mile a day with his walker throughout his London neighborhood and as if that's not an accomplishment as is, he also raised $100,000 for charity.

Due to his condition, Weller can not stand without assistance and when quarantine began he could only walk about 50 meters (164 ft) per day. Well as he continued to walk around his neighborhood and build up his strength, he can now walk up tp 750 meters (half mile) a day!

The idea to walk a marathon came to Weller when he learned about Captain Tom Moore. Captain Moore is a 99-year-old veteran who raised $37.4 million by walking laps around his garden.

Weller admitted in a video that he knew his goal would be a "ginormous challenge" but with his neighborhood cheering him on, he completed his goal!

According to CNN "Tobias has raised over £81,600 ($100,700) -- £50,000 more than his original target of £30,000 for Sheffield Children's Hospital and Paces School, a school that supports children and adults with neurological conditions, including Tobias."

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